Kaze and I (Latte) decided to get together and nominate our big brother Chase. Most of you know what a cool Man Cat he is but we want to share some of his finer sweeter points that you may be unaware of.
First of all, he does NOT hate the “Woman”. She has been locked out before and he just about bent over backwards trying to open the doorknob for her. Even though he knew he couldn’t. When she was in college they were best-buddies and he’d only play the bite-game if he knew she had a sweatshirt on and he’d never bite too hard on her arm.
Secondly, he adores men. He makes any man who comes into our house love cats. He’s a “man’s cat” and even those big tough guys who “don’t like cats” convert when they see Chase chilling on the couch just doing his Man Cat thing. (Above is the famous "tail poof")
Kaze loves Chase because even though she attacks the crap out of him he loves it. His fur is so thick he doesn’t feel the bites or claw marks and he really gets into the game. She might tackle him but he can run faster than she can. He loves to play with her when no one else has Kaze-energy Chase steps up.
I love Chase in many special ways. He is my favorite family member. Whenever I see him standing/sitting up I go over and head butt him like he’s a piece of furniture because I want all of his kindness to myself. He gives me baths and likes to snuggle with me (not so much Kaze but he will tolerate her now and then). When I was a kitten Chase even let me fake nurse on him and he’d give me the best baths.
Chase looks out for everyone in our family and nothing bothers him. Well…except thunderstorms and the Rug-Sucking-Monster. Other than that he’d protect us all. Chase is probably most special to our Toy Man (Chase’s Awesome Man). He is completely devoted and all of his Man Cat stuff just melts as he stands up to give him front hugs, poofs his tail, head butts him like crazy, and just plain purrs loudly (which he only does for the TM).
Chase is a very special cat. He's moved with the humans and been with them for 8 of their 10 years together (Meowmy was 18 when he came to live with them!)
We love Chase too, and that tail poof is really cool!
sounds like he is a great mancat and brofur!
btw: momma loves chase cause of his white paws she always goes Awwwww when she sees him.
Chase is one gentlemancat!
Awww...Chase is an awesome big brother! What a mancat!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Oh Chase, you big loverboy you. I had no idea that you were such a wonderful fur brother. You're so modest on your blog.
Chase! It sounds wike Kaze and Watte woves you weawwy a wot! Woah!
Willow and I already loved Chase but weren't even aware of what a wonderful brother he was to Kaze and Latte!
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat
Chase is a wonderful big brother! You two are very lucky!
i luv chase becuz he izza grate lookin tabby mancat!
good luck chase!
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